Foto Del Mar

Pubblicato: giugno 21, 2009 da annyo84 in News in evidenza

Bellissime foto di David al concerto di ieri grazie all fantastica PAM PIKE!!!Un grosso grazie a lei e un grosso respiro per noi….pronti??Per vederle tutte cliccate su continua..

Picture 251

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  1. pixiechic ha detto:

    A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!! Thanks for sharing such wonderful shots of David! GRAZIE!!!!

  2. fa3ryg1rl ha detto:

    Thanks for posting these Anny! Amazing!

  3. Amanda ha detto:

    i see him tonight in hartford.
    i’m absolutely spazzing out.
    uh, YAY DAVID ❤ 🙂

  4. Jane ha detto:

    Thanks for sharing. Gorgeous breath taking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Julieta ha detto:

    he’s so cute!!!!,amazing pictures really beautiful,thanks for sharing,I’m from Argentina and i don’t have a chance to see him in my country, so thanks!!

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